Contents:- ORAPWD
Utility, Sys User Password Diagnostic
Create Password File By
using ORAPWD Utility
CMD>ORAPWD file=c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\dbs\PWDORCL.ora
password=orcl entries=10
Entries:- means
maximum number of distinct users allowed to connect as sysdba or sysoper.
File Parameter.
SQL >alter system set remote_login_passwordfile=exclusive
Here exclusive indicated that only one
instance can use password file and that
the password file contains names other than sys. By using Exclusive
password file, you can grant sysdba or sysoper privileges to individual user.
SYS User Password
Check ORA_DBA roles at OS(Windows) leave or Check the DBA Role at
If not want to use ORA_DBA or DBA role and want to use password then
password file exists or not if not exists then create it.
After Creating Passsword file check REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter
should not be set to NONE.
Check oracleservice<dbname> service is started or not. If not then
Start using following command.
cmd>Net start oracleservice<sid_name>
You should not remove or modify password file if you have a Database or
instance mounted using REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE=Exclusive,Shared. If this
happens you will unable to reconnect remotely using password file.
Windows Password file Location:- $ORACLE_HOME/database
Linux Password File Location: $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
================================================================== Oracle RAC Password File Scenarious
Managing ASM Password File
Add a
user to the password file of ASM.
$>asmcmd orapwuser -- add – privilege sysasm new_user
Privilege of the Password file user
$>asmcmd orapwuser -- modify -- privilege
sysasm user
a User From the ASM Password file
$>asmcmd orapwuser -- delete user
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